SoCal Adventure Club is a community based in San Diego centered around hiking. The club’s slogan is “Climb Higher”— a daring invitation to fellow adventurers to explore the outdoors and to seek experiences beyond every-day mundane life. They partnered with REI in order to create a pamphlet and booklet guide for the adventurers and the explorers of the outdoors.
‘Hiking in SoCal’ is a brochure that doubles as a map and guide with a list of trails in San Diego county and a key that indicates the various difficulties. On the map-side Hikers, experienced and new alike, can find reviews regarding the top three highly-rated hiking trails adjacent to the map. There is room for a date of completion for each trail that the adventurer can fill in. The side with tips also provides Yelp reviews from other hikers and the reviewer’s polaroids of the various locations. The pamphlet also provides tips and reminders for a successful hike that are beneficial for new and veteran hikers alike. Much of the imagery is shot from my own voyages!
The booklet is solely based on Mt.Woodson, also known as the infamous Potato Chip Rock! It’s an attraction to tourists and locals alike due to the Instagramable chip rock at the summit (You’ll almost always encounter a line of people and their cameras wrapping around the summit). I decided to put my own spin on this guide by highlighting my favorite scenic trail and including a unique checklist of photo opportunities that hikers can keep lookout for on their journey!